Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSMS)

What is ISO 45001:2018?

ISO 45001 is an international standard that specifies requirements for an Occupational Health and Safety Management System OHSMS, which is intended to improve the safety and health of both employees and other personnel. Introduced in March 2018, ISO 45001 standard marks a significant step forward in the overall effort to improve occupational health and safety (OH&S) worldwide. Published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), the standard enables organizations to proactively improve injury prevention and reduce ill-health, while protecting their longevity.


To survive in today’s competitive global marketplace, organizations must proactively manage all types of risk to the business, including occupational health and safety. ISO 45001 Certification provides new impetus for occupational health and safety practices in organizations and helps improve safety for employees and contractors. This translates into additional opportunities for protecting and promoting worker’s health and performance and a sustainable improvement in employee satisfaction.
The benefits of ISO 45001 certification are:
1. Employee safety, risk reduction and injury prevention
2. Improve an organization’s capability to respond to regulatory compliance issues
3. Reduce overall cost of health and safety-related incidents
4. Reduce the downtime and cost of disruption in operations
5. Lower the cost of insurance premiums
6. Ensure high employee attendance and loyalty
7. Achieve international recognition for health and operational Safety


Although ISO 45001 Occupational Health & Safety constitutes a fully new standard, its foundations already exist and are formulated in OHSAS 18001. Companies that have already implemented an occupational health and safety management system OHSMS in accordance with OHSAS 18001, and actively apply it in everyday company practice, can expect a smooth transition to ISO 45001 certification.

Key improvements:

  • ISO 45001 Occupational Health & Safety Management System implements the ‘high level structure’, giving it a common framework with other management systems, such as ISO 9001 Quality Management System and ISO 14001 Environmental Management System.
  • ISO 45001 OHSMS places great emphasis on the responsibility of senior management. This aspect has already been implemented in the revised ISO 9001 QMS and ISO 14001 EMS standards.
  • ISO 45001 OHSMS explicitly includes persons who are not permanently employed, but are in other ways working under the responsibility of the organization/company, such as subcontractors, as well as processes that have been outsourced in their entirety. In this way it incorporates elements of the SCC certificate.
  • The standard also introduces the term “opportunities”, as a new aspect in the field of occupational health and safety OHS. This covers issues that go beyond the mere elimination or minimization of OHS risks and hazards.

Learn more about the ISO 45001 Occupational Health & Safety Management System OHSMS certification requirements on the ISO website.

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